• Defensive Driving Course

      5 Hours In-Class
    • 2 Hours in Car
    • Coping with Unexpected & Emergency Situations
    • Reduce up-to 2 Demerit points*
    • Dual Brake Control
    • One-on One Car Training
    • Free Pick-up/Drop-Off KW Area for car training
  • Basic Driving Course package one

      10 hours automatic car training
    • 20 hours of classroom instruction
    • 10 hours of Assignments
    • Incl. Highway & Defensive Driving
    • One-on One Car Training
    • Free Pick-up/Drop-Off Anywhere in Kitchener, Waterloo, Elmira & Cambridge for Car Training
    • Training also available in your own vehicle (optional)
  • Plus Driving Course

      11 Hours automatic car training
    • 1 hour before G2 test
    • Use car for road test(G2)
    • 20 Hours classroom
    • 10 hours assignments
    • Incl. Highway & Defensive Driving
    • Free pickup and drop-off in K&W, Elmira ON
    • Training also available in your own vehicle (optional)
  • Short Course

      G2 Preparation
    • 4 Hour in-car training
    • 1 Hour pre-test and training
    • Incl. use of car for the test
    • Training also available in your own vehicle (optional)

PriceSingle Lessons
$45 (+HST) One hour Lesson in an Automatic Vehicle
$377.00 (+HST) Defensive Driving Course for Professional Drivers
5 Hours In-Class 2 Hours in Car
$143 (+HST) G2 Test
One Hour Lesson in Automatic + Car for Road Test only pickup no drop off
$152 (+HST) G Test
60 Min. In-car Training + Car for Road Test only pickup No drop off
$97.35 (+HST) Written Test Preparation
Written test preparation (Two hours In-Class Training)